Next Level Of Life: No Room For You Anymore

3 min readOct 26, 2019


So, I’ve decided to pick and choose who or what gets any of my time and energy now. I threw away a lot of useless things and experiences over the years. With that, I’ve found myself working really hard at helping people gain access to useful information. It fells good to help other people who actually appreciate and respects the efforts put into everything.

In the past, I’ve had the misfortune of meeting people who did not care about themselves or others which lead to unpleasant encounters. The moment I threw the negative folks out of my life, there was an instant load lifted.

I couldn’t believe how suffocated I was when I was able to actually enjoy going anywhere without hearing any “poohooing” about my movements. If I wanted to go somewhere as simple as the mall, there was an unnecessary argument about my whereabouts. Since when did a trip to the hospital for yearly examination become an issue? Well, they were on their way out of my life faster than they’d realized but didn’t see it coming. So, I spoke up against all of the negativity trying to hold me down and it was chaotic. I did not care how angry the other party got. I was still going wherever I wanted to go. Screaming and yelling didn’t come from me but from another person. I silently collected myself and went about my day. I had a student waiting for me and they needed some training on technology.

I refused to allow someone to get in the way of my daily life and freedom entirely.

To actually be able to breath freely and uninterrupted was just the best thing ever.

I was an instructor by day and hanging out to relax by night as long as no one was getting out of hand.

During my progression in life after that chaos, I’ve made absolute certain to never allow anything or anyone from the past back in.

Anytime I noticed something similar to those horrid experiences got blocked from the distance they stood. I simply had no time and space for useless things or people. Thus leading to me having fun with traveling and going out sometimes for a night out on the town alone. It’s strange to say but I enjoy going to places for celebrations alone unless it’s with a few good friends. If I do anything with family; it must be something that is a controlled environment like a house or rented spaces of that sort.

For someone my age, I refuse to listen to complainers or deal with people who get combative just to cause a scene. I like to be in certain spaces that are designed for pure fun and relaxation. I will never allow someone that doesn’t have similar ideas to be around me ever again. Those experiences were mistakes that I’ve escaped from in one piece! Gladly, I’ve never been injured by anything or anyone. I’ve always been able to escape hellish experiences unharmed but was always ready to defend myself.

Remaining incredibly guarded and minding every bit of my own business has always been my best attribute. Sometimes, things or people will manage to slip past the walls created to maintain my comfort.

Done spewing thoughts.

Either enjoy or not.




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